Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Darfur - It's much more than a hippy cause

As I sit here in my comfortable chair, listening to myself get fatter, creating this blog entry on my companies time, contemplating the insanity and boredom that comes from looking at Excel documents and cubical walls, I can't help but to also think of all the people who have and are currently being uprooted from their homes as well as those who have and are currently dying horrible deaths in Darfur. Men, women and children have been viciously murdered without the slightest regard for any human rights. Little precious, innocent babies, are being slaughtered due to this conflict.

Our government is not helping like it should. We, as American's are not helping like we should. We as Christians are not helping like we should. The church in American has enough money to make this problem disappear, but we'd rather spend our money on huge buildings and gas for our Hummers (brought to us, in part, by Sudanese oil companies. Yes, the same Sudanese that are causing these atrocities!). It's royally F*CKED UP.

If you don't know about Darfur or understand what's going on there, click HERE for brief description, compliments of http://www.savedarfur.org/. If you can, give some money to them, say a prayer, join a group, or support someone who is willing to go and help.

We will be judged, by our children and every future generation, for what we do right now...


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rock On!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Time for change

I've recently finished a book that has had a great impact on me. I realize that most of the blog entries I've posted here have been silly and semi-stupid, but this one is different. When you get the chance, go out and buy "Confession of an Econimic Hitman" by John Perkins. It has answered many questions for me regarding the evil workings of corporate business in America and abroad (the fat ass above made $686 million from 1993 to 2005 in the oil business). It is no coincendence that our leaders have invaded Iraq. It seems to be a time for change. I for one an sick and bloody tired of the rat race.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Guess who this is?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Song For Employees Suffering Mistreatment

I thought this was really funny and very thoughtful of this guy, Ray. It also describes the "day job" perfectly. Enjoy it and remember to hum this toon when someone pisses you off at work!


A Song For Employees Suffering Mistreatment

Blessing Jesus

Someone sent this to me and said if I send it to 7 people I would get a miracle tomorrow. I thought I would post it here so maybe Jesus would give me thousands of miracles!


Monday, August 28, 2006


Looks like a great movie!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


"It's hard to be religious when certian people don't get incinerated by lightning bolts"
-Calvin & Hobbes

I saw this this morning on a church near NYU while walking to work. I agreed.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

World On Fire - Sarah McLachlan

$5,000 could cover the cost of hair and make-up for one day on set in LA or pay for one year’s schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan. Sarah McLachlan does the math and encourages you to join her.
This video can change your life...

Friday, June 09, 2006


this is an audio post - click to play