Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Still Sick. See, you can hear it in my voice... (Audio)

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, February 27, 2006


Although I still have a cough and some congestion, I'm feeling MUCH better today than before. The only problem today is that I only got 2 hours sleep, which sucks. I don’t know what it was. I just couldn’t sleep. Went to bed at 12:30 and just laid there until 5:00! Again I say...It sucked! I got up ay 3:45 to feed the crying baby, then back to bed to pretend to sleep. Crazy. I like sleep. I hope Mr. Sleep visits me tonight. Today I feel a little like a zombie must feel. I’m alive and walking and writing this, but so dull and zombie-ish. You know, just... zombie-ish. Anyway, I hope to sleep tonight and feel less zombie-ish tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed this boring blog entry.

Friday, February 24, 2006

I've Been sick

Well, I've been sick and haven't felt like updating this here blog. I've had a cold and so have Keena and Lilly. We've all been a bunch of sickies walking around the house like zombies. Even Lilly is walking around the house all sick and pissed off. Apparently even babies who can't walk yet still walk around the house when they get sick. Wierd.

Anyway, more important blogs next week. Until then...


Lemur touchcreeen

Anyone "feelin' the spirit" can get me one of these anytime they want...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Matrix ping-pong

Freakin' cool. You Asian people are amazing!

Matrix Ping-Pong

Gay Humor

Well done, video editing geeks...

Brokeback To The Future

Empire Brokeback

Top Brokeback

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I read this today and thought it made allot of sense...

"We all have the same dark secrets and the same bright hopes. We come from the same place and are headed in the same direction. Above everything else maybe, we all want to be known by each other and to know each other. The U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A., the Arabs and the Israelis, the terrorists and the terrized-we are all of us brothers all of us sisters. Yet from the way we manage things most of the time, who in a million years would ever guess it? Who can remain unmoved by the thought of how the world might be if we only managed things right?"

-from "Whistling In The Dark - A Doubters Dictionary" by Fredrick Buechner

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Laughter keeps us young and happy. It does not, however, keep our teeth in good shape...


Hello, This is Steve... (Audio)

this is an audio post - click to play


Let's just get this out of the way right now. My daughter, Lillian, is cute, man. Cute, Cute Ciye...oops misspelled that last one. Anyway, here is a link to pics:


P.S. Just so you know, I promise this won't be a "hey look how cute my little girl is" blog. However, I can't promise it won't be a ""hey look how smart my little girl is" blog or even a "hey look how how much money my little girl saves me in taxes" blog, but it definatly won't be a "hey look how cute my little girl is" blog.


my new blog

I'm new to the blog thing. This is my first entry (except for replying to others). Anyway, looking forward to keeping this up...

p.s. Picture of a sunset in Easton, MD (where my folks live) I took with my cell phone. Ah, technology...